So you’ve found the perfect house and we’ve helped you secure it for a great price! With all the anticipation leading up to a home purchase many Buyers forget about everyone’s least favourite activity – moving! We all move at least once in our lifetime (unless staying in your parent’s basement is cool with your spouse!) but it seems that people are moving a lot more these days. At the Christine Cowern Team we’ve done our fair share of moving (even a move from Vancouver to Toronto) and have learned a few lessons along the way. So we’ve put together a list of some of our best moving packing tips to help you with your next move.
Don’t wait until the last minute to pack – make a commitment to start packing for an hour or two each day a few weeks prior to your move, then moving day won’t seem so stressful and you won’t be up past your bedtime frantically packing the night before.
Purge – How many of us have moved stuff we should probably throw in the trash and eventually do but only once we get in into our new space? GUILTY!There’s no sense in moving stuff that you don’t use or like anymore – your upcoming move gives you the perfect opportunity to go through all your stuff!
Hire a cleaner – Let’s face facts, moving is stressful. You work a full time job, you’re a parent (pet parents count too) and you have too much on your plate! The last thing you want to do is think about is cleaning your new home. So do yourself a favour and cross this off your ‘to do‘ list, you deserve it. Contact us for our client referral list to great cleaning professionals!
Hire a moving company – Most of us don’t have a 20 year old son or brother and a group of his friends who will help us out and the last thing you want to do is injure your back before something soft to lie on (ie. your coach or bed) makes it into your new home! Contact us for our client referral list to great moving companies!
Use wardrobe boxes for your clothes – We all remember the college years of garbage bags for clothes! By using a wardrobe box, you can simply take the clothes that are hanging in your closet, hang them up in the wardrobe box and then hang them up in your new closet!
Pack a bag of that night’s essentials – Yes, we all start out on moving day ready to go go go, but moving is draining and you may not unpack all your belongings in the same day. So pack a separate bag or box (clearly labeled!) with your toiletries, pajamas and a change of clothes. That way you’ll feel refreshed the next morning when you finish unpacking!
Sit back, enjoy and wait for your complimentary pizza to arrive. We know that you’re moving day is stressful – all of our clients enjoy a pizza dinner – on us!
Have you found this post helpful? What are some of your moving tips and tricks? Comment below or contact us at #416-291-7372.