| Selling

Finding the right real estate team is all about recognizing the cream of the crop so you can avoid the rotten apples and find your dream team. Here’s what we say sets the best Toronto real estate teams apart from the rest to help you find the crème de la crème. 

Knowing There are 3 Types of Clients

We like to think there are three types of real estate clients:

  1. The Seller 
  2. The Buyer, and
  3. The What The Hell’s Going On-er (WTHGO)

And this is one of the things we feel sets the best Toronto real estate teams apart from the rest. Because most real estate teams are focused on the buyers and sellers and are unwilling to give those poor WTHGOs the time of day. And that sucks, because these are the people who need the most help and who are looking for honest advice that sets them on the right path – even if that path is walking away from the idea of buying or selling their property for now. 

A good real estate team recognizes the importance of their role that sometimes just happens to be educator. And we’re okay with that because it allows us to forge new relationships with people who really want to become clients but just aren’t ready yet. When the time comes, our honesty and availability will bring them back to us. And if it doesn’t? We don’t believe we wasted our time, so no harm done! 

Easily Earning Referrals

Referrals are earned. And that’s tough in the real estate business where so much can go wrong. The best Toronto real estate teams grow through referrals and don’t have to constantly track down leads and aggressively try to sell themselves. That’s why they tend to be more chill. They’re not stressing over not having enough clients to pay the bills. Instead, they’re earning referrals by being there for clients and ensuring they have everything they need for a seamless, effortless process. They take the pressure off and close transactions smoothly. If someone enthusiastically refers you to their real estate team, seize the moment, because you’re that much closer to finding one of the best Toronto real estate teams. 

Speaking of referrals, why not check out some of our reviews? We have over 200 Google reviews, you can learn more right here.

Building Relationships with Repeat Customers

The best real estate teams focus on building relationships so they know their clients well and can help them meet their needs time and again. If your real estate team isn’t interested in getting to know you, they aren’t going to be able to meet your needs. And we don’t mean an insincere busy body trying to get the dirt on your personal life. It’s not about prying. It’s about caring. 

Relationship builders work harder for you and are there when you need them. For example, we work with a lot of clients who are go-getters looking for opportunities through solid investments. These clients happily forged relationships with us because we never steer them wrong. But here’s the thing. Even if you think you’ve made your one real estate purchase of the century and found your forever home, situations change. It could be a new higher paying job that allows you to upgrade, a growing family (or divorce) or things like job relocations, marriage, getting stuck in the sandwich generation, or the opportunity to purchase a cottage that can find you’re in need of a real estate team again. And when you have a relationship, there’s trust knowing that help is there when you need it. That’s what relationships are all about. 

Never Wasting Your Time

Experienced real estate teams never waste your time. They put in more effort up front, so they have a clear understanding of what their clients want so they can consider whether it’s doable. For example, you don’t have to tell us twice that you need a garage. It’s on your must-have list, and we won’t show you a home without one, right? Well, not necessarily. If it’s impossible to find a garage based on the neighbourhood you love, we tell you right away, and offer solutions that help you get as much on your must-have list as possible. Laying out the facts is essential, so you aren’t disappointed and understand the lay of the land. Bad teams lead you on to get the business and let you down by not delivering what you asked for. That wastes your time. 

Read more about what it’s like to work with the best real estate team in Toronto:

5 Ways to Keep Your Realtor Accountable

A Day in the Life of Toronto’s Best Real Estate Team

How to Choose an Investor-Friendly Real Estate Team in Toronto

Offering Advice Without Expecting Anything In Return

There’s a misconception that real estate agents are always trying to sell something. That we’re of the ABC mindset to “always be closing.” But that’s not true when it comes to the best real estate teams in Toronto. Advice is at the heart of what we do. It’s especially important to help clients understand the market so they can make informed decisions. What’s happening now, market trends to help predict the future, and listening to what clients hope to achieve allows kickass real estate agents to offer valuable advice that steers their clients in the right direction. Not for the agent’s benefit, but instead for the client’s benefit without expecting anything in return. 

Sharing Information Without an Ulterior Motive

Another thing the best real estate teams do is to share information about the market without an ulterior motive. For example, if a potential client decides it isn’t the right time for them to buy or sell, a seasoned real estate team keeps that client’s needs in the back of their mind so they can let them know when something in the market changes. While the worst teams do this as a sales tactic to put pressure on would-be clients, the best teams want to make sure no one misses out when opportunity knocks. They keep you in the loop to help you get what you want. 

Being Authentic Without a Hidden Agenda

The best real estate teams don’t work with a hidden agenda that serves their needs and fills their sales goals. Instead, they’re sincere when they offer to let the dog out when they’re dropping off fresh flowers for the open house, or instinctively quickly tidy your home because you’re running late and forgot to put the dishes in the dishwasher. These are random acts of kindness that speak to the integrity of the team and their desire to make your life easier. They’re authentic. 

Getting Rid of First-Time Nerves

The best real estate team in Toronto banishes nerves and makes that first time experience as painless as possible. They’re all about transparency and ongoing communication that keeps the first-time buyer or seller informed every step of the way. This ensures there’s no surprises. When something comes up, bad or good, the client always knows what’s happening and can deal with it knowing they’ve got a whole lot of support. 

Their Knowledge Protects You

Knowing the hottest Toronto neighbourhoods is a bonus, but what about the ones that are on the way up? What about knowing the builders and buildings to avoid? Or the types of homes most likely to have knob and tube wiring? What about all the other stuff you need to know when buying a Toronto home that you wouldn’t even know to ask about? These are the types of things the best real estate team knows and uses to protect you. 

Is it a good idea to hire a friend or family member to sell your home? Read more here.

A Sense of Team

We’re talking about the best real estate teams because it’s all about teamwork. Teams have all kinds of experts working behind the scenes to make sure your transactions go off without a hitch. That’s what teams are all about, with the right person focusing on their area of expertise for every transaction. And we can tell you that a successful individual agent will drop more than a few balls without that team support. There’s just too much involved in the average transaction. The administrative details need just as much attention as you, so working with a team that has an administrative ninja taking care of that stuff behind the scenes ensures every tiny detail is accounted for, so everything goes smoooooothly.  As the saying goes, it takes a village. 

Some Kind of Guarantee

If the team isn’t offering a guarantee, they’re far from the best you can find! Your real estate team owes you the highest level of customer service in the real estate industry in hand with expertise that protects you throughout the buying or selling process. Honest work tends to come with some kind of guarantee that your needs will be met. Not to brag, but we offer our 100% Delight Guarantee that ensures we work hard, are available when you need us, are always honest, and that we won’t disappear after the sale. In other words, the best real estate team in Toronto holds themselves accountable for everything they do. 

Unfortunately, real estate fraud is a thing we have to watch out for. Learn more about preventing real estate fraud in this post right here.

Networking Machines

One of the things we love about real estate is that we get to meet so many wonderful people. And that isn’t just our clients (who we can’t get enough of BTW!). We also forge strong relationships with fellow agents creating a network of trust that helps protect you in the negotiating process. When we deal with trusted agents, we also have an in for upcoming listings, not to mention a pool of buyers who might be interested in those listings. It’s very symbiotic. Networking helps us find buyers for our sellers and listings for our buyers just like that. 

Marketing Mavens

When selling, you need a team of marketing mavens who know how to impress your target buyer with professional photos, beautiful colour feature sheets, neighbourhood postcards and a custom property video to help buyers envision living in your home. All these things need to be backed up with online and social media channels, so your listing appears where the target buyers are. And when we say, “target buyers,” we mean the typical person likely looking for your style of home in your neighbourhood. Because each type of buyer has a certain “persona” we need to appeal to. For example, we won’t be staging a kid’s room in a two-bedroom condo apartment in the Fashion District where families aren’t likely to buy. Instead that second bedroom is staged as a home office to appeal to the ideal buyer. We also use our network to find the right buyer agents, so they’re encouraged to show your home to their clients. We do all of this with finesse, and can promote not just your home, but your neighbourhood, and lifestyle, targeting the right buyers and their agents for a quick, top-dollar sale. Target marketing, profiling with unique listing campaigns, and the right mix of media attract interested buyers, drive competition, and encourage higher offers. 

Look, there’s a lot of good eggs out there who are ready and willing to help. But, if you don’t aim for the best, you’re missing out on so many advantages that will improve your outcomes, regardless of whether you’re a buyer, seller or WTHGO. These qualities really do make a difference and tend to show up early on when you’re shopping an agent. If you aren’t seeing this level of service, you’re not working with the best real estate team in Toronto. Plain and simple. 

Speaking of the best real estate team in Toronto, why not call The Christine Cowern Team at 416.291.7372 or email us at hello@christinecowern.com with any questions or to set up a call. We’d love to work with you!